Thursday, April 8, 2010

I wanna grow up once again

Give me some sunshine give me some rain....I wanna grow up once again. Grow up once again..who does't want to go back in their past and start all over again..I guess if the genie were to actually come out of a magic lamp then instead of being alive for ever, it would be much better to ask for a start once again.

Start once again..sounds great..but what would you do differently if you were to start again. Look out for the mistakes that you know you have choices, love blunders, crime, wrong path..the list can be endless for the billion people inhabiting this planet.

What is it that would make this starting over business absolutely worthwile? Is it going to be only about rectifyig mistakes or would you would want to lead another life altogether. Assuming that it has to be the same life, then what would you do?

Rectify mistakes in the same course of life or steer life in a manner this time that the feeling of contentment overtakes as you bid good bye. There is a golden message in the bitter fact of life and death cycle..and that is that there are no real second chances in life. It is a single shot in which you not only have to understand that what is it you want in life but also live the entire lifetime achieving it.

Look around..millions and millions in a race to just lead a livelihood..materialistic trivial pursuits that have no end. The entire process seems to be a mega marketing cycle that has got everyone involved in itself to an extent that barring a few, all of us are blinded in thinking that this is why we are living.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that u want to go back in time and start over sprouts from ur belief that u knw what u cud have done right. but the point really is that u may not make the same mistakes, but there will always be new mistakes to make which u will regret as much as u regret the once uv made the last time around. It's a vicious circle. setting things right is subjective. When u know better, u do better. there is never a deliberate attempt to jeopardize ur own life or that of someone else. The best u can do is to try really really hard to not repeat ur mistakes and let urself live a full life. It's true that life doesnt give u second chances, bt it also means that u gotta keep going despite eveything.. every new day is exactly that.. a NEW day :)
