Friday, June 17, 2011

10 months

If there is anything that this gap of 10 months reflects, it is the inability to be disciplined about anything. Unless it is affecting basic survival, don't move your ass. But what about something that you really enjoy doing? Do you know what you really enjoy doing? I know..inaction or minimum effort task. But that is not completely true and you know that.

Thankfully,these guys do not delete inactive accounts. But then this is a blog account and the people who would have thought of this would know all about long periods of lull.

So sometimes,its history,then fiction followed by non fiction and then an autobiography. But one thing remains unchanged, and that is the India factor. Can't recall who had said it but its the absolute truth that sometimes you are not ready for the book. Keyboard is so less stressful when you are writing here and not a mail/strategy everyday.

Will it really happen in 2012, am I actually ready or do I even know what I want out of that 70 hour journey? Is it just a fad that has grown on me or is there a genuine desire to do this? Desire there is, but there is clearly a doubt about my capability to actually endure the hardship.

Hardship I say now because of the way you have become so used to worldly comforts. It was me only who used to find convenience anywhere in any class of travel amidst hundreds of people. And here I am now when even 1st AC seems little disturbing. Amazing. Its not the lack of comforts which is an issue. I guess its the inability to tolerate other people which is a problem. Yes,that is the issue. And that is what is causing these doubts.

That even if I do discover what I want out of this effort, my peculiar approach to people around will foil the whole objective. But why is this the case now?

Thank God for the quick save act..ass hurts. So, what has made you so averse to people? The desire to be humble and modest is limited only to that utopian thought of yourself which wakes up upon either watching a movie or reading a book. Permanent state of mind or attitude..yes attitude. How does one achieve that? I guess changing the inherent human nature is the toughest things to achieve. But then, that's what determination is all about. Don't forget that objective for even a minute, not even for a conversation. Everything must reflect that. Even a one line conversation. Saleh.

Back to square one again. Unless it is something that affects the sustenance of livelihood, there is no need to move :)

Nothing to be happy about. Guess the whole life will only reflect half an effort to bring about that change. This is the difference between people who achieve excellence and people who write such blogs. Are bulls really like this, or is it your slow digression towards being one?

God only knows whats stopping you. Get up and take charge. RAISE YOUR GAME. Shaking you out of your slumber is one hell of a task. And come to think of it, that has been the case for a very long time. Guess Perfect derived so much out of you coz the very environment was so challenging. So unless in unsure territory, our man wouldn't raise the bar. Enough.

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