Sunday, July 26, 2009

Leaving home

Why do people travel far and wide? Leave away their homes, acqaintances, familiarity that has bred from childhood? I guess as Pi Patel search of better life. Better life? What does better life account for? Money, facilities, glitzy surroundings? I guess this pretty much accounts for it. But these are things which are importnat to anybody's life, me being no exception. But as is the rule of this universe, you gain some and you lose some. These things come at a price and that price is the far distance that one must travel from his home.

Hefty price some might think, for some may be not.There are people, however who would travel far away in search of that peace in one's life, that he so desperately seeks.

We have eaten what we love to eat, we have seen what we love to see, we have met who we love to meet. Hopefully all of this amounts to a holiday spent well, time well utilised. This vacuum however, I guess is meant to stay and it seems rather difficult for it to be fulfilled with any of these things. In fact another vacuum which always come into force, whenever I am leaving my home is very difficult to cope with. The effect stays for quite some time in a dominant fashion, then in a subdued manner..but it stays..always does.

The urge to remain with home for as long as possible, as delayed as possible is I believe not very uncommon. Most people with an extra dose of emotional juices would know of this feeling. It is so strange..the attachment with the land of one's origin, with place alone, completely non living things is almost as strange as the one that you feel with your loved ones. Does this atachment have to do with a particular bond with the place or a familiarity that breeds into an individual due to his association that started from his birth.

May be it is the change in these familiar surroundings that upsets the human being once he travels far and wide. Man is a social animal and it is typical of animals to feel upset and disturbed once their surroundings are tampered with. As Pi Patel educates animal will do anything to defend its territory. What about us though? We will do anything to leave our territory. And for what? For a better life.

For people whose very existence is challenged and resources mandatory for survival are hard to come by, it probably makes sense to leave one's territory. Just like migratory birds..hopping from one comfort zone to another. But there is a stark dissimilarity here. Birds migrate with their entire flock to all the places..that is their strength. We humans, leave our flock far behind and keep migrating in search of what? A better life.

1 comment:

  1. compare moving on to being born. Wen u leave ur mother's womb, u disengage from the umbilical cord and get a separate life of your own. You may have a separate existence but she is always your mother, and you, her child. She will always be that cocoon where you became you. even though you eventually grow into much more. At the core of this long-winding reflection and discussion, however, is one little fact - it is inevitable. you live, you learn, you move on and live some more. its a never-ending spiral. so what you need to do is to enjoy every bend, every meander that you encounter. What you feel abt ur origin will always be with you, but thats only fair. As long as you dont let it come in the way of your becoming one with whatever you are with in the moment.
